
Discover our revolutionary Legal Risk Report, a sophisticated risk assessment tool designed to provide invaluable insights into legal cases and financial challenges brought against a business.

The Legal Risk Report offers a detailed overview of previous and current published legal proceedings, aiding you to understand the potential risks linked with your clients, while simultaneously enhancing compliance. The report bridges the gaps present in traditional credit and business information report by providing exclusive data and insights on legal filings, enabling your business to minimize risks effectively and empowering you to make informed decisions.

To further enhance accessibility and usability, all data presented in the report is seamlessly translated into English, ensuring better accessibility and ease of understanding.

About Us


What’s Included?

Our data sources for the Legal Risk Report comprise a comprehensive range of published announcements. These sources encompass various categories of legal proceedings and companies modifications upon availability, including:

LegalRisk Indicator

To enhance the clarity of our Legal Risk Reports for your convenience, we have implemented a comprehensive scoring system called the LegalRisk Navigator. This allows you to make informed decisions when engaging with a business. Our scoring system, ranging from 1 to 5, with 1 representing minimal risk and 5 indicating the highest risk, is crafted for simplicity. It serves as an indicator of the likelihood that a business is currently encountering or may potentially encounter legal challenges and liabilities linked to legal proceedings.


What factors affect the Legal Risk Score?

Frequency of Cases

Recency of Cases

Severity of Cases

Data Coverage

Explore our extensive database, featuring over 8 million records and offering in-depth insights. Our data coverage spans across United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman, offering unique data from these GCC countries.